Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Like Mother, Like Daughter

This post is for my mom.

I used to cry and cry about having to go to dance class. I would get half-way dressed, throw a fit that I didn't want to go and lay out across my yellow bean bag. This includes crying and whining the entire time.

Well ... the time has come for payback. My wonderful and VERY smart child threw a fit this morning because she didn't want to go to daycare (or school as we call it). She, being fully dressed, decided she would lay across the bed and protest having to get up. As most of you know, I LOVE my sleep and would rather sleep than do most other things. My child has retained the sleeping trait too.

So, for you mom ... here is your granddaughter protesting having to go to school. Memories?! :)

1 comment:

Amy J said...

Bless her bones!! I feel the same way!!